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Media Focus Photo October 9, 2007

The Blackwater Network

My question is, with the media mostly in bed with the U.S. military, how would the Blackwater shooting on September 12th have been perceived if the Iraqi's hadn't blown the whistle on the incident?

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Political Psychology Photo October 8, 2007

Clarence Thomas: Cover For Paranoia

The photo and layout of the Harper Collins Clarence Thomas memoir gets it about right.  It's a portrait of paranoia.

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Campaign '08 Photo October 6, 2007

More On The Obama Front

I know my post yesterday dealt with TIME turning the lights out on Obama, but that was from the previous week's edition.  This week's catch is even better, illustrating how the right-wing noise machine is starting to kick in to high gear.  The screen grab above comes from TIME's...

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Campaign '08 Photo

Obama Reaching

Left-to-right and top-to-bottom, the media message is fairly clear: Obama's campaign has become... a reach, a stretch, a dream beyond his grasp -- and, in a more bodily sense... a fading, a falling back, a disappearing act.  I have my own theory about Obama's reach, however....

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Bush Focus Photo October 5, 2007

No Banner Left Behind

With all the skirmishing going on around the Bush's veto of the SCHIP legislation, the Decider's photo op in the Bronx two weeks ago seems to loom ever larger.  Yes, it's hypocricy, but it is such a an accomplished piece of hypocricy.

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Campaign '08 Photo October 4, 2007

AdDressing Willy

I'm suspicious, and I can think of at least one good reason why Bill Clinton has been so neutered.

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Iraq and Afghanistan War Photo October 3, 2007

More WTF: "Reported Progress" Edition

With the passage of time, we become more brutally capable of differentiating "progress" from "reported progress."  As well, these two shots expose what Iraq became after 43 got his hands on it -- which was, and remains, a set.

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Originals Photo October 1, 2007

Steps Without A Casket

The casket that is not there reminds me of the way this war's symbols and rituals of death have been relegated, in large part, to the imagination.

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Campaign '08 Photo

The McCain Payload

If the most interesting element in John McCain's new batch of ads is the footage of his Vietnam captivity, what is less apparent is the revised framing of what was formerly "The Iraq War."

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